Zainuddin Maidin is right that DAP faces the possibility of being totally wiped out in the next general election but not for the reasons he had given

Media Statement
by Lim Kit Siang

(PenangSunday): The Deputy Information Minister, Datuk Zainuddin Maidin is right that DAP faces the possibility of suffering its worst electoral defeat and even being totally wiped out in the next general election (Sin Chew Daily) but not for the reasons he had given at the launch of the Kedah UMNO�s Ops Sapu Bersih II campaign in Alor Star on Friday night. 

Zainudin has continued the Barisan Nasional campaign of  falsehoods against the DAP, as in irresponsibily repeating the lie that �A vote for DAP is a  vote for PAS and a vote for Islamic State advocated by PAS�. 

If the voters again fall for this Barisan Nasional campaign of falsehoods as in the 1999 general election, then Zainudin would probably be proved right that the DAP could be completely wiped out in the next general election � not because of its truth but its untruth. 

DAP is the only political party left in Parliament and the State Assemblies which takes a clear and unequivocal stand to defend and uphold the 46-year �social contract�, 1957 Merdeka Constitution, the 1963 Malaysia Agreement and the 1970 Rukunegara that Malaysia is a democratic, secular and multi-religious nation with Islam as the official religion but not an Islamic state � whether ala-PAS or ala-UMNO, and if Malaysian voters can still fall victim to the Barisan Nasional falsehoods that DAP secretly supports PAS to create a �Taliban-type� of Islamic state, then DAP is indeed doomed in the next general election. 

With DAP eliminated from the Malaysian political scene, then the political choice left to Malaysians is only between UMNO�s so-called moderate Islamic State or PAS� extreme form of an Islamic State � as the voice for the defence of a secular Malaysia with Islam as the official religion but not an Islamic state  would have been silenced completely in Parliament and the State Assemblies. 

Zainuddin and other Barisan Nasional propagandists will of course throw other falsehoods against the DAP � as for instance the false and ridiculous allegation that the DAP has suddenly become the champion of the armed struggle of the Malayan Communist Party and Chin Peng. 

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad had rightly denounced the international media of hypocrisy, double standards and lack of press freedom for all opinions � except that these very sins of media  hypocrisy, double standards and lack of press freedom are blatantly committed inside the country for Opposition views.                                                                                          


* Lim Kit Siang, DAP National Chairman