Ketari by-election tomorrow will be an important test of   the Barisan Nasional�s new-found 911 �terror� card and the Gerakan�s dirty politics in copying the Razaleigh tengkolok scare tactics of 1990

Media Statement 
by Lim Kit Siang

(Petaling Jaya,  Saturday): The Ketari by-election tomorrow will be an important test of the Barisan Nasional�s new-found 911 �terror� card and the Gerakan�s dirty politics in copying the Razaleigh tengkolok scare tactics of 1990 to try to character-assassinate  the DAP leaders as having betrayed the  Chinese community in supporting the Islamic state of PAS. 

Right from the beginning of the Ketari by-election,  the  DAP joined issue with these two Barisan Nasional "trump cards" by  making clear our  unequivocal stand as Malaysian nationalists on both questions by:

The Ketari by-election result tomorrow will demonstrate whether the Barisan Nasional�s 911 �terror� card, together with its politics of  lies, money and electoral abuses, will drown out the politics of reason of the DAP - and that irrationality and unreason will be the ruling predominant forces in  the post-911Malaysian political scenario.


*Lim Kit Siang - DAP National Chairman