Call on TV News to revert to their proper role as honest news channels and not propaganda mouthpieces  to unfairly manipulate and influence the outcome of the forthcoming Ketari by-election in Pahang

Media Statement 
by Lim Kit Siang

(Petaling Jaya,  Thursday):  Even before the Election Commission has met to decide on the dates for the Ketari by-election in Pahang, the Barisan Nasional government has started on  a dirty and dishonest campaign to mislead the Ketari voters to  unfairly influence the outcome of the by-election result. 

Last night, for instance, TV2 broadcast a purported news item distorting what I said in Kota Bharu on Sunday night, twisting it out of context to convey the message that the DAP would co-operate with PAS on all matters - disregarding the fact that DAP had withdrawn from the Barisan Alternative because of our fundamental differences on the question of an Islamic state. 

At the Kota Bahru PAS �Solidarity with Fong Po Kuan dinner� on Sunday night, I had said that although the DAP and PAS have gone separate ways with the  DAP's withdrawal from the Barisan Alternative, our differences should  not stand in the way of  our co-operation on issues of common concern to all Malaysians, especially in the areas of justice, freedom, democracy and good governance.

The Kota Bharu PAS �Solidarity with Fong Po Kuan� was one good example of a  common issue where DAP and PAS could  stand together  to jointly protest against the high-handed and undemocratic abuse of the  brute majority of the Barisan Nasional in Parliament, which became a kangaroo court last December to punish the young woman DAP MP for Batu Gajah, Fong Po Kuan, suspending her as MP for six months without allowance for courageously discharging her parliamentary oath of office to speak up for the people.  

I said in Kota Bharu that this was why the DAP leadership had steadfastly held that although we are no more in the Barisan Alternative, the DAP will continue to co-operate with the Barisan Alternative parties both inside and outside Parliament  on the issues of justice, freedom, democracy and good governance for the betterment and welfare of Malaysia.

I call  on TV News to revert to their proper role as honest news channels and not continue as propaganda mouthpieces  to unfairly manipulate and influence the outcome of the forthcoming Ketari by-election in Pahang and  ensure that Berita Perdana stop being  Propaganda Perdana of the Barisan Nasional.


*Lim Kit Siang - DAP National Chairman