MCA should thank Hadi for lifting the ban on rearing/slaughter of pigs in Terengganu imposed with MCA�s full consent 10 years ago

Media Statement
by Lim Kit Siang

(Petaling Jaya,  Monday): This is the first of a series of rejoinder to the Sunday Star column "On The Beat" by  Wong Chun Wai yesterday on  "Courting PAS spells more trouble for DAP" where he said that after the visit of the DAP delegation to Terengganu and Kelantan, "the Chinese community now sees the DAP as being apologists for PAS, rightly or wrongly".

Rightly or wrongly, Wong�s article is seen as the opening salvo of the MCA post-election campaign to  imprint in the Chinese psyche by the next general election, that the DAP and I in particular, have become apologists for PAS and an Islamic state.

Before I deal separately with the  insidious insinuations and dishonest slant in Wong�s article, its  motives, methodology  and hidden agenda, let me first put the record straight on several points made in the article.

Writing about "the negative side" of DAP�s decision to continue co-operation with PAS in the Barisan Alternative, Wong said:

Wong is either ignorant or plain dishonest when he said that "So far, it is only the DAP leaders who are saying that the PAS leaders are prepared to be accommodative".

The following is an AFP report dated December 15, 1999 under the heading  "Malaysia's Islamic opposition pledges to respect non-Muslim rights" which said:

Utusan Malaysia of 16th December 1999 under the heading "Bukan Islam diberi pilihan kharaj atau cukai tanah" states:

With such  incontrovertible evidence, is Wong prepared to admit that he had violated one of the fundamental canons of journalism that "Opinions are free but facts are sacred" when he claimed that "So far, it is only the DAP leaders who are saying that the PAS leaders are prepared to be accommodative" and that ""PAS leaders have not committed themselves to anything; all they have said, according to the DAP, is they are willing to have discussions with non-Muslims."

But this is not the only occasion  where Wong had been very stingy with facts. For instance, he wrote:

I agree with Wong that Hadi�s assurances that Buddhists and Christians would be allowed to build their own places of worship is merely respecting what is already guaranteed in the Federal Constitution.

Wong however is not being honest when he suggested that Hadi�s assurances are immaterial and inconsequential, especially as the  MCA and Gerakan had made the last general election the dirtiest in the nation�s history with their campaign of falsehoods and fear which misled, confused and scared the Chinese voters to reject the DAP on the ground that a vote for DAP is a vote for PAS and that PAS poses the greatest threat to the constitutionally-guaranteed rights of the Chinese.

In the Bukit Bendera constituency, the Chinese voters were told by the MCA and Gerakan  that  if I am elected, there would be no pork, no alcohol,  no karaokes, no  temples,  no Chinese schools, beautiful women cannot find jobs and that there would be the  chopping of hands and feet.

Surely, after the MCA campaign of falsehoods and scare, Hadi�s assurances that all the fears of the Chinese are baseless and that PAS state governments would  respect the constitutional rights of the Chinese is important news and should be blazoned as front-page headline in the Star.

Did the Star give fair and adequate coverage to the assurances given by Hadi that kharaj would not be imposed on non-Muslims against their wishes?  No, Star is not interested in publishing facts but only want to pursue the MCA agenda to fan  fear among the Chinese, as carrying the report "Non-Muslim body objects to kharaj proposal" on 16th December 1999 and a Page 2 headline "Kharaj will scare investors" on December 18, 1999,  ignoring the breakthrough agreement reached between DAP and PAS that the Terengganu PAS state government would fully respect the rights and sensitivities of non-Muslims and that the same principle of having the fullest public consultation and not imposing against the wishes of non-Muslims  would apply not only to kharaj but to all other proposals which could be perceived as affecting the rights and sensitivities of other races and religions.

There is another reason why Wong is not being honest when he suggested that Hadi�s assurances that Buddhists and Christians would be allowed to build their own places of worship are immaterial and inconsequential when it was the previous Barisan Nasional Terengganu State Government (with MCA in the Exco) which had refused to grant approval to the Kuala Terengganu Buddhist Association, Kuala Terengganu Catholic Church and the Terengganu Prebysterian Church for renovation or new building/church.

PAS Terengganu state government�s commitment to uphold the Constitution on freedom of religion should receive appreciation when the previous Barisan Nasional  Terengganu state government was not prepared to respect such a constitutional guarantee!

Is Wong right that  Hadi had not done anything to deserve appreciation?

MCA should thank Hadi for lifting the ban on rearing and slaughter of pigs in Terengganu imposed with MCA�s full consent 10 years ago.

I just cannot understand how MCA could agree to the ban on  the rearing and slaughter of pigs in the Terengganu state when it had a State Exco member.  Can Wong enlighten the Chinese in Malaysia as to how MCA could agree to the UMNO proposal to ban the rearing and slaughter of pigs in Terengganu for ten years when one of the first acts of the PAS state government is to lift such a ban?

I will continue with part two of my series of rejoinder to Wong�s article tomorrow.


*Lim Kit Siang - DAP National Chairman