MCA and Gerakan will make the next election the "dirtiest" in history by playing three "trumps" cards to panic the Chinese voters into believing that disaster is at the country�s doorstep if they do not vote Barisan Nasional

"Welcome Back Lim Guan Eng with Honour" ceremah
Lim Kit Siang 

(Nibong Tebal, Wednesday): MCA and Gerakan will make the next general election the "dirtiest" in history by playing their three "trump cards" to panic the Chinese voters into believing that disaster is at the country�s doorstep if they do not vote Barisan Nasional.

With the Barisan Nasional control and monopoly over the mass media, the Barisan Nasional parties are confident that they could persuade, mislead or even stampede the Chinese voters to support the Barisan Nasional in the next election, by creating the  fear that support  for Barisan Alternative could result in three catastrophes, namely:

I agree that If the Malaysian Chinese can be persuaded, misled or stampeded into believing - at least when they enter the polling stations to cast their votes on polling day -  that there could be another May 13 or racial  unrest, end of economic recovery or the establishment of an Islamic state, if they supported the DAP and  the Opposition, then Barisan Nasional will win with a landslide victory which might be even bigger than in the 1995 general election.

This is one important reason why the MCA and Gerakan are so confident about their election prospects in the next general election although so many things that have happened since the 1995 general election should make them worry about their loss of public support - whether the injustice of the Lim Guan Eng case, the Dr. Tan Eng Teck trigger-happy police shooting-death, the Nipah virus disaster causing the unnecessary death of 105 lives and ruination of the pig rearing industry in Malaysia, the Anwar Ibrahim case, and a whole host of others.

The question is whether Chinese voters can be so easily duped by the three trump cards of MCA and the Gerakan in the next general election to give the Barisan Nasional another landslide victory.


*Lim Kit Siang - Malaysian Parliamentary Opposition Leader, Democratic Action Party Secretary-General & Member of Parliament for Tanjong