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Bogus Universities - clarification from Akamai University

Media Statement (3)
by Lim Kit Siang  

(Parliament, Thursday): I have received the following email this morning  from Dr. Douglass Capogrossi, President of Akamai University, Hawaii  in connection with the current bogus universities controversy, referring in particular to the New Straits Times report by Koh Lay Chin, and his email  said:

“It appears that Akamai University is being involved in this issue in an unfair and suspicious manner.  We are concerned that the favorable reputation of our institution will be placed at risk.  Akamai University has been extremely cautious not to offend the governments wherein reside our distance learning students.  We have an institutional mission in service to the advancement of the human condition.  Due to this news article, we are worried that our UNESCO affiliates and our transnational associates will be defamed by their association with Akamai.  We pray that this does not happen.


“While we surely would be honored if the government of Malaysia were to formally recognize our graduate degrees, we have not yet petitioned for such recognition.  We have never claimed our degrees to be recognition by the national government of Malaysia, nor would be act in such an unethical manner. 


“Akamai University is operating legally from the State of Hawaii, USA.  We received our school charter in 2002 and presently operate in good standing as an international degree granting institution from the USA.  As a young institution, we are firmly committed to do all things in a quality and ethical manner .  At this time, we have no negative marks on our record as an organization, and we fear that this international media publicity might unjustly raise questions about our integrity as an institution of higher learning.


“Akamai, in all promotional activities, is committed to including a public notice stating for all potential student applicants that we are legally operating in the USA, but without regional accreditation at the present time.  We offer a special and very liberal (60-day) and full tuition refund to all students that enroll from Asia, to assure that no one will misunderstand our status or our intentions and thereby lose their tuition investment.  


 “My educational colleague, Dr. Lee Wooi Beng (Penang) has communicated with me today on the matter of this news article.  He is likewise concerned that unfair and untrue commentary is being permitted in the Malaysia news related to Akamai University.”


The NST report today quoted sources on the National Accreditation Board as describing Akamai as “another dubious university being investigated by the authorities”.  The Board and the Higher Education Ministry should come out with a proper clarification on the issue of  “bogus universities” to protect the interests of Malaysians pursuing higher degrees and qualifications in this era of globalization and  information technology.




*  Lim Kit Siang,Parliamentary Opposition Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur & DAP Central Policy and Strategic Planning Commission Chairman

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